A fashion retailer’s performance lies in the ability to simultaneously have a strong supply chain, sufficient quantities of trending products in the right stores, as well as loyal and increasingly digital savvy customers.

But it also means having the right products in the right stores!

Why Store Identity?

The target is to characterize and quantify the unique features and specifics of each store by creating "photofit" sheets for each store segment.

Store Identity have a decisive role in the strategies of the different business lines:

  • Trade Zone Manager: to adapt my stores’ promotions and their local communication to improve their performance.
  • Product Manager : to adapt to local demands and customize store merchandising.
  • Supply Manager : adjust and optimize store replenishment according to their characteristics.
"With Store Identity, I can adjust and optimise store replenishment according to their characteristics."
Frédéric, Supply Manager

In our document, we tell you all about: